Theme: Advanced Concepts in Treatment and Prevention of Obesity



The Deadline of Abstract submissions is on 15th-May-2023


On behalf of the 3rd International Congress on Obesity and Nutritional Healthwe are delighted to welcome you to join the Conference scheduled on October 16-17, 2023 as a webinar, which is an exceptional gathering for the worldwide prominent scholastics in the field of Obesity and Nutritional Health where Directors, Scientists, Professors, Research scholars, Postdocs, Academic Staff are about to share their research work and acquiesce new emerging technological trends in the conference areas.

OBESITY SUMMIT-2023 is an International platform to adverse and study about the early detection as well as treatment care based on Professional standards, and intense research to complete cure for obesity. The conference contains significant international experts in Doctors, research scholars and general practitioners, Student Delegates and Exhibitors form all over the world to our Conference with the theme “Advanced Concepts in Treatment and Prevention of Obesity”. Conference will be featuring oral presentations, poster presentations, keynote talks, workshops and many more.

The conference will focus on Physicians, Obesity specialists, Physical Therapists, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeons, Integrated Health Professionals, Registered Dieticians & Nutritionists, Yoga & Fitness Professionals and Business Entrepreneurs, Medical Directors, Obesity Professors, Scientists, researchers, students.

Scope and importance:

Obesity and Overweight has preceded as one of the most regular World Wide issues as it is affecting more than a billion adults worldwide. Both general and abdominal obesity have been shown as risk factors contributing for morbidity and mortality. Many global organizations have focused today on speedy treatment and prevention strategies for this epidemic which has been recognized to pose drastic threat to public health. Obesity results in reduced the quality of life. This global health issue is becoming more prevalent among women and in lower social classes or immigrants; while over weight is increasing especially among children also.

Many scientists say the evidence is clear that excess fat can pose significant health risks and that losing weight can improve health. But they agree with advocates that care for people with obesity need to shift from simply pressuring them to shed weight, which often fails.

Who can attend?

ICON 2023 is an international scientific gathering to share new research prospects focusing on topics related to Obesity and Nutritional Health. The Organizing Committee welcomes all the leading Researchers, Yoga & Fitness Professionals, Physicians, Obesity specialists, Integrated Health Professionals, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeons, Physical Therapists, Registered Dieticians & Nutritionists and Business Entrepreneurs to the event which runs with a theme “Advanced Concepts in Treatment and Prevention of Obesity”. Join us virtually and physically to get an exceptional opportunity to interact and network with world-class Experts in the field for knowledge sharing, collaborations and partnerships.

Why to attend?

OBESITY SUMMIT-2023 is one of the world's leading scientific conferences to bring together all the participants to exchange about state of the art Research and Technologies and to bring discoveries of advancing the Elderly Care Practices for Improving Quality Health and prevention of Obesity. Attending Worldwide conference is being the Professional Development and to urge the current state of research and the challenges to future discovery.

Webinars are for an individual who, without travelling, wants to retain their clinical education. They are interactive offerings that offer case-primarily based totally presentations, on line reviews, and stay conversations with key opinion pioneers that consist of beneficial recommendation in your normal scientific practice.

Target Audience

Bariatricians | Nutritionists | Pharmacists | Cardiologists | Gynecologists | Psychiatrists | Endocrinologists | Researchers | Diabetic Nurses Public Health Professionals| Diabetologists | Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeons | Nurse Practitioners | Physical Therapists | Obesity & Endocrinology Associations and Societies | Mental Health Professionals | Yoga and Fitness Professionals | University Professors | Health Care Experts | Diabetes Professors | Endocrinology Professors, Researchers | Business Entrepreneurs | Doctors | Physicians | Business Professionals | Academic Professionals | Students | Scientists | Diabetes Educators | Diabetes Nutritionists | Registered Nutritionists | Yoga & Fitness Professionals

Track 01. Nutritional Health and Obesity:

Obesity, also called corpulence or fatness, excessive accumulation of body fat, more often than not caused by the consumption of more calories than the body can use. The excess calories are then stored as fat, or can be called as adipose tissue. Obesity is influenced by a combination of factors, which more often than not results in consuming more calories than the body needs .Overweight, if moderate, is not necessarily obesity, especially in muscular or large-boned individuals. These factors may include physical inactivity, diet, genes, lifestyle, ethnic and socioeconomic background, exposure to certain chemicals, certain conditions, and use of certain drugs. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative impact on health.

Track 02. Obesity and Weight Management:

Managing your weight is a big thing of your health. Weight control is a term used to discuss managing and maintaining a healthy body weight. Having a healthy body weight can mean different things for different Individuals. The traditional way to calculate this weight is the body mass index (BMI). Your BMI uses your height and weight to figure out your ideal weight range. This number can vary, but typically, you are considered obese if your BMI is over 30.

Your waist line can also be a sign of obesity. For a woman, a healthy waist measurement should fall below 35 inches. For a man, it should be less than 40 inches. This measurement is called your waist circumference. When you are overweight or obese, you’re at risk for medical conditions like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes. Weight loss can often be achieved through a healthy diet and exercise. In some cases, weight loss surgeries are used, but these also involved changing your lifestyle to keep the weight off.

Track 03. Anti-Obesity Drugs:

The perfect anti-obesity drug would produce maintained weight loss with minimal side effects. The components that regulate energy balance have substantial built-in excess, overlap considerably with other physiological functions, and are affected by social, hedonic and psychological components that limit the effectiveness of pharmacological interventions. It is hence unsurprising that anti-obesity drug discovery programs have been littered with false begins, disappointments in clinical improvement, and withdrawals due to unfavorable effects that were not completely acknowledged at the time of launch.

Track 04. Childhood Obesity and Nutrition:

Childhood obesity may be a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is usually based on BMI. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it's being recognized as a serious public health concern. The term overweight rather than obese is usually used when discussing childhood obesity, especially in open discussion, because it is less stigmatizing. The prevalence of childhood obesity is known to differ by sex and gender. Body mass index (BMI) is acceptable for determining obesity for children with two years of age and older. BMI is determined by the ratio of weight and height.

Track 05. Bariatric Surgery:

Bariatric surgery is also known as Weight loss and metabolic surgery. These terms are used in order to reflect the impact of these operations on patients’ weight and the health of their metabolism (breakdown of food into energy). In addition to their ability to treat obesity, these operations are very effective in treating diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and high cholesterol, among many other diseases. These operations also have an ability to prevent future health problems. The benefits allow patients with obesity who choose to undergo treatment to enjoy a better quality of life and a longer and healthy lifespan.

Track 06. Advanced Treatment for Obesity:

Common and traditional treatments for overweight and obesity and for losing weight through healthy eating, diet plan, being more physically active, and making other changes to your usual habits, which makes you healthy.

·         Healthy eating plan and regular physical activity

·         Changing your habits

·         Weight-management programs

·         Weight-loss medicines

·         Weight-loss devices

·         Bariatric surgery

·         Special diets

Track 07. Obesity on Women Health & Pregnancy:

Obesity among pregnant women is becoming one among the most important women's health issues. Worldwide, obstetricians and midwives are confronted with an escalation of obesity among pregnant women. It is evident that obese pregnant women are at increased risk of maternal death and having complications during pregnancy and labor. Obesity increases the risk of the subsequent problems during pregnancy: Birth defects—Babies born to women who are obese have an increased risk of getting birth defects, like heart defects and neural tube defects.

Track 08. Central obesity:

central obesity, also called as Abdominal obesity  and truncal obesity,  which may be a condition when excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen has built up to the great extent that it is likely to have a negative impact  on health. Central obesity has been strongly linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other metabolic and vascular diseases. Central obesity which leads to Heart disease, Diabetes, Asthma and Other health risks.

Track 09. Morbid Obesity:

Morbid obesity could be a condition in which you have a body mass index which is  higher than 35. BMI is used to estimate body fat and can help determine if you are at a healthy body weight for your estimate. BMI is not a perfect estimation but it does help give a common idea of ideal weight ranges for height. Once you eat, your body uses the calories you consume to run your body. Even at rest, the body needs calories to pump your heart or digest food. If those calories are not utilized, the body stores them as fat. Your body will build up fat stores if you continue to eat more calories than your body can use during daily activities and exercise. Obesity and morbid obesity are the result of too much fat being stored in your body.

Track 10. Genetics and Epigenetics of Obesity:

Obesity results from interactions between environmental and genetic components. In spite of a relatively high heritability of common, non-syndromic obesity (40–70%), the search for genetic variations contributing to susceptibility has been a challenging task. Genome wide association (GWA) studies have significantly changed the pace of detection of common genetic susceptibility variations. To date, more than 40 genetic variations have been associated with obesity and fat distribution. In any case, since these variations do not fully explain the heritability of obesity, other forms of variation, such as epigenetics marks, must be considered. Epigenetic marks, or “imprinting”, influence gene expression without actually changing the DNA sequence. Disappointments in imprinting are known to cause extreme shapes of obesity, but have moreover been convincingly related with susceptibility to obesity. Moreover, environmental exposures during critical developmental periods can influence the profile of epigenetic marks and result in obesity.

Track 11. Nutritional Epidemiology:

Nutritional epidemiology studies dietary and nutritional factors in reference to disease occurrence at a population level. Nutritional epidemiology which is a new field of medical research that shows and studies the relationship between nutrition and health. It is a young discipline in epidemiology that is continuing to grow in relevance to present-day health concerns. Diet and physical activity are difficult to measure accurately, which can partly explain why nutrition has received less attention than other risk factors for disease in epidemiology.

Nutritional epidemiology uses knowledge from nutritional science to assist in the understanding of human nutrition and therefore the explanation of basic underlying mechanisms. Nutritional science information is additionally utilized in the development of nutritional epidemiological studies and interventions including clinical, case-control and cohort studies. Nutritional epidemiological methods are developed to study the relationship between diet and disease.

Track 12. Exercises, Yoga & Fitness and Weight Loss:

Exercise may be a physical activity that enhances or maintains fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons, to assist growth and improve strength, prevent aging, develop muscles and therefore the cardiovascular system, hone athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, improve health or simply for enjoyment. Many individuals prefer to exercise outdoors where they will congregate in groups, socialize, and enhance well-being.

The term "yoga" in the Western world often denotes a contemporary sort of yoga and a posture-based fitness , stress-relief and relaxation technique, consisting largely of the asana, in contrast with traditional yoga, which focuses on meditation and release from worldly attachments. It was introduced by gurus from India, following the success of Vivekananda’s adaptation of yoga without asana in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who introduced the Yoga Sutras to the west. The Yoga Sutras gained prominence in the 20th century following the success of yoga.

Track 13. Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine:

Education to Optimize Your Care of youngsters , Adult, Adolescent, and Pediatric Patients with Obesity. Effective treatment of patients who have obesity which is an increasingly important part within the modern practice . This course delivers practical strategies to optimize the management of obesity and its complications, and provides the foremost up-to-date approaches to obesity prevention and treatment. The Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine: Treating Obesity 2021. This course covers critical and different topics in the prevention and treatment of obesity and related disorders presented by authorities from the country's leading obesity treatment centers.

Track14. Diabetes & cholesterol:

Diabetes and high cholesterol often occur together. Many Researchers states that diabetes often lowers HDL (good) cholesterol levels and raises triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Both of these increase the risk for heart diseases and heart stroke. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you should know that controlling your blood sugar levels are very important. The more you will keep these levels down, the lower your risk of developing disorder and other health problems.

Track 15. Non-surgical treatment:

Non-surgical treatment majorly involves nutritional counseling with or without usage of supplements to reinforce the weight loss program. Management by nutrition and supplements being the pillars of weight loss and is very individualistic.

Benefit of Participation

Advantages of Participating at our Conference

  • The advantages of the Speaker and abstract pages are created in Google on your profile under your name would get worldwide visibility.
  • Our comprehensive online advertising attracts 30000+ users and 50000+ views to our Library of Abstracts, which takes researchers and speakers to our Conference.
  • Meet with hundreds of like-minded experts who are pioneers in Obesity and Nutritional Health and share ideas.
  • All participants in the conference would have a different reason to participate with eminent speakers and renowned keynote speakers in one-to-one meetings.
  • A rare opportunity to listen what the world's experts are learning about from the world's most influential researchers in the area of Obesity at our Keynote sessions.
  • OBESITY SUMMIT-2023 intensive conference schedule, you will acquire experience and expertise in strategic gift preparation that is worth its weight golf, forming an impressive array of recognized professionals.
  • Best Poster Award nominations.
  • Award for Outstanding Young Researcher.
  • Group Registration Advantages.

Benefits of Participation for Speaker

  • Worldwide appreciation of the profile of Researchers.
  • Obtain credits for professional growth.
  • Explore the latest of cutting edge analysis.
  • Make long-term bonds at social and networking activities.
  • An ability to advertise one page in the distribution of abstract books and flyers that ultimately gets 1 million views and adds great value to your research profile.
  • Learn a transition beyond your area of interest to learn more about new subjects and studies away from your core subject of Obesity and Nutritional Health.
  • We have distinctive networking, learning and enjoyable integration into a single package.

Benefits of Participation for Delegate

  • Professional Development-Improve understanding and knowledge.
  • Attendance at webinars supports rejuvenates and energizes delegates.
  • Your involvement in our Conference will help with a new methodology and ideology that can be used to broaden the outcomes of businesses or industries.
  • Opportunities for OBESITY SUMMIT researchers and experts in the same field to meet and exchange new ideas through Conference and online.

Benefit of Participation for Sponsor

  • Exposure to the international environment would increase the possibility of new companies.
  • Opportunity to demonstrate your company's latest technologies, new products, or service your business to a wide range of international participants.
  • Increase business by our webinar participants through lead generation.
  • It takes a lot of time, effort and drive to create a successful company, so it's always nice to have a network of colleagues and associates to draw energy from individuals who share a common drive and objective.
  • Webinars in OBESITY provide opportunities for more attention and contemplation that could help you move your company to the next stage.
  • Benchmarking main organization plans and moving it forward.
  • Get feedback from trustworthy people at our Conference to your company questions and challenges.
  • On our webinar banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing content, the advertising logo of your company.

Benefit of Association for Collaborators

  • Nobody has these massive visitors to Obesity in the world this is the best forum to highlight society.
  • Creating long-lasting peer relationships.
  • In our webinar banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material, promotional content and your Organization logo will increase your number of subscribers/members by 40%.
  • The exposure of our event to your Company listing in the Global Business forum will have a great effect on your association.
  • Your representatives can network to update their knowledge and understanding of your organization and services with key delegates.
  • Obesity advertising materials such as posters, brochures, pamphlets, services that will be circulated to hospitals, universities, society and researchers will be integrated with information.

Conference Highlights

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 16-17, 2023
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed Day 1
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View